So you know that scene about halfway through
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" where Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett move into their new apartment that is completely empty of any furniture or anything?
I'm beginning to feel like that a little bit.
Okay not exactly, because besides from being much less glamorous we do have the luxury of a bed and kitchen table! Hooray! And last night we were this close to having a couch, until it wouldn't fit down the stairs to our little basement apartment. And trust me, we tried. (by we, I mean my husband, two brother in laws, and my dad.)
And for a while there we didn't have any silverware which was a bit of an adventure (see below)
But I am happy to report that things are coming together quite nicely and you can see the floor again in our living room because my mom and I organized and put everything away in my kitchen.
(The husband was going to lose it if I had left everything out for another day... haha)
Guess what though!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of when I landed in London town.
Isn't it crazy how fast time flies?
Sorry this is the most random blog post ever... It's a bit late and I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep each night this week.. Welcome back to school :)
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